Personnel de l'université


Enseignant-Chercheur, Directrice Adjointe du LLING - Laboratoire Linguistique de Nantes (UMR 6310)


Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 81227, 44312 Nantes Cedex 3

Bâtiment FLCE - bureau 719
0253522788 (n° interne : 442788)
Bureau 2
LLING - Bâtiment Censive - bureau C242
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Linguistique anglaise: syntaxe, sémantique

Thèmes de recherche

My main area of research is the formal analysis of natural language semantics at its interface with syntax and pragmatics. My aim is to connet specific phenomena to general laws, by following a comparative and theoretically-informed perspective.  My studies are based on the qualitative analysis of elicited data as well as on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of modern language corpora.

I'm interested in understanding the ontology of natural language, and more specifically the way in which languages express reference in both the nominal and verbal domains. Topics that I addressed recently are definiteness, temporal reference in tensed and tenseless languages, verbal and nominal plurality, causative constructions in Romance.

You can visit my personal website here


My research concerns the formal treatment of natural language semantics at its interface with syntax and morphology. My aim is to connect specific language phenomena to general laws, by following a comparative and theoretically informed perspective. My studies are based on the qualitative analysis of elicited data as well as on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of modern language corpora.

I am interested in understanding the ontology of natural language and the way in which languages express definiteness, countability and reference in both the eventuality and nominal domain. Together, the comparative research methodology that I privilege and the broad topic of investigating nominal and verbal parameters foster the understanding of language variation, both at a macro-level (Mandarin Chinese) and at the micro-level across Romance varieties, and shed a light on the relation between functional categories and semantic interpretation in a more general perspective.

Activités / CV

[ My full CV is downloadable here ]

Publications récentes


  • Donazzan, M., B. Copley, C. Raffy and K. von Heusinger (in press) . Letting structure speak with authority : constraining agents’ choices with French laisser. In J. Goncharova et H. Zejlstra (eds) Agency, Intentions and Language. Brill - Current Research in the Semantics Pragmatics Interface (CRiSPI)
  • Donazzan, M., C. Raffy and K. von Heusinger (in press) Causation and dispositions; Towards a semantic characterisation of the French causative verb LAISSER. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. XXII, n. 2 (downloadable here)
  • Donazzan, M. and L. Sanchez-Mendes (2020) Decomposing distribution across dimensions: evidence from Libras.  DELTA: Documentação e
    Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada, Vol 36, n.1
  • Donazzan, M and M. Becker (2018) Deissi e relazioni di coerenza testuale. Il caso di ORA. In M. Becker, L. Fesenmeier (eds)  Configurazioni della serialità linguistica. Prospettive italoromanze. Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 151-181
  • Donazzan, M. (2017)  Italian causatives and the grammar of (in)direct causation. Revista Letras, Número temático (96): Linguística Formal
  • Tovena, L. and M. Donazzan (2017) The profile of event demilitation: an introduction, Italian Journal of Linguistics 29/1
  • Tovena, L. and M. Donazzan (2017) Italian /-ata/ event nouns and the /nomen vicis/ interpretation. Italian Journal of Linguistics 29/1, En ligne: DOI: 10.26346/1120-2726-103
  • Becker, M. and M. Donazzan (2017) Ora, or, maintenant : perspective temporelle et perspective argumentative.  Discours 20, En ligne: ; DOI : 10.4000/discours.9290
  • Müller, A., M. Donazzan and L. Sanchez-Mendes (2016) A Semântica dos Numerais Distributivos : um estudo entre linguas.  Revista da ABRALIN/Associação Brasileira de Linguïstica
  •  Donazzan, M. and L. Tovena (2015) Pluralities of events : semelfactives and a case of ”single event” nominalisation.  D. Heap and S. Perpiñan (eds)  Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2015 John Benjamins
  • Donazzan, M. and A. Müller (2015) Reduplicated Numerals as Pluractionals : distributivity as a window to the individuation of events. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 14 (1) : special issue Issues in the formal semantics of referentiality 95 – 129
  • Donazzan, M. (2013a) Familiarity constraints on weak readings. About Italian definite DPs. Recherches Lingistiques de Vincennes 42. Special issue Weak definites across languages :theoretical and experimental investigations (ed. by C. Beyssade and R. Pires de Oliveira).
  • Donazzan, M. (2013b) Weak (in)definites, familiarity and reference to kinds. The view from Italian. Revista da Abralin/Associação Brasileira de Linguïstica, Special issue Weak Definiteness and Referentiality, (ed. R. Pires de Oliveira) (XII/1), janeiro/junho 2013.

Editing work

  • E. Kenedy & M. Donazzan (2018) Revista Gragoatà v.23, n.46 Língua: cognição e usos
  • L. Tovena, M. Donazzan (2017) Italian Journal of Linguistics v. 29, n.1. Special issue: The profile of event delimitation.

Projets de recherche

  • TAME-INTER: new approaches to the syntax and semantics of TAME across languages.  International Emerging Action 2023-2025, funded by CNRS. Projet collaboratif avec l'Université de São Paulo (co-directed by Ana L. Müller)
  • Nominal and verbal events in Romance causative constructions.(2018-2021) Funded by the DFG, in collaboration with K. von Heusinger, Universität zu Köln
  • Delimiting and identifying events (DelimitEvent) (2014-2018) Founded by the Fédération Typologie et Universaux du Langage (CNRS FR 2559) Co-directed with Lucia Tovena (Université Paris 7)
  • Semantic variation. Event plurality in Chinese and Karitiana (2012) Founded by the Centro National da Pesquisa (CNPq), Brazil. Co-directed with Ana Müller (Universidade de São Paulo)


Informations complémentaires

Mis à jour le 17 octobre 2024.